“Not all therapy is relaxing – But all relaxation is therapy.”

(taken from pain science website)

Therapeutic Massage

60 minutes- 80.00

90 minutes- $110.00

Your massage will be custom tailored to meet your current needs. I will utilize a variety of massage modalities as well as pressures to target specific concerns and to allow relaxation to occur.

Prenatal Massage

60 minutes- 80.00

90 minutes- $110.00

You are the perfect container for your baby but pregnancy definitely creates strain on your body.  Come in for a side lying massage that will ease tension and tightness in your body while improving your sleep patterns and overall well being.

Body Stretch

60 minutes $80.00

Want the benefits of massage but don’t want to get undressed?  Try body stretch.  Relax on the table while limbs receive compression and stretch for rejuvenation and better range of motion.  Please wear clothing that will allow for stretch. (joggers, leggings etc)

Head Hands Feet (10/10/10)

30 minutes $45.00

Rough day at work?  Want to decompress but don’t have an hour?   Not sure how you feel about massage….

Try head, hands and feet massage.  Feet are wrapped in either heated or cool towels (your choice).  Head, face and neck massage for 10 minutes, forearms and hand for 10 minutes and feet and calves for 10.  Return to work or the rest of your day feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and relaxed.


227 N. Duke St 1st fl. (shared space with Therapeutic Massage Works)

Lancaster PA 17602

Hours by appointment

Monday 12pm-7pm

Tuesday 9am-5:30pm

Wednesday 9am6:30pm

Thursday 9am-5pm

Friday 9am-3pm


Phone: 717-951-8152
Email: karengmassage@gmail.com